onsdag 22 januari 2020

Talking about household, shopping, food and drinks!

1. Listen and learn talking about household!
Click on the link household and listen!
Write the new words and learn! 

2. Listen and learn talking about shopping at the grocery!
Click on the link shopping at the grocery and listen!
Write the new words and learn! 

3.Listen and learn talking about food and drinks!  
Click on the link food and drinks English and 
food and drinks American  and listen!
Write the new words and learn! 

4. Listen and learn talking about vegetables!
Click on the link vegetables and listen!
Write the new words to learn! 

Talk about friends and family

Watch and listen to English conversation!

Click on the links friends and family and learn how to talk about your family and friends. listen to t

Excercise with A/AN

1. Learn more about the indefinite article A, AN and definite article.
Click on the link A, AN THE articles and watch the video.

Write new words and examples !

2. Learn more about the indefinite article A and AN.

Click on the link  A and AN and watch the video!

Write new words and examples !

3. Do an excercise with indefinite or definite articles.
Write A, AN, THE or 0.

Click on the link definite and indefinite articles and do the excercise. 

måndag 20 januari 2020

House Swap

1. Listen to talk about House swap!
Click on the link home exchange and listen!

2. Listen to talk about House swap!
Click on the link House swap and listen!

måndag 13 januari 2020

To be

1. Watch the video about basic grammar.
Click on the video basic and watch

Subject + verb positive sentences
I am = I'm
He/She/It is = He's, She's, It's

You are = You're
We are = We're
They are = They're

Subject+verb+not negative senteces

I'm not
She is not, He isn't, It isn't

You are not
They aren't
We aren't

Verb+subject question = fråga

Am I...?
Is he...? Is she...? Is it...?

Are you...?
Are they...?
Are we...?

More exampels on the verb. Click on the website to be and se more examples. 

English Alphabet

Listen to the English alphabet!

The English Alphabet has:
21 consonants 
5 wovels 

1. Click on the link English Alphabet and listen and say after.

2. Listen to the 26 letters in the English Alphabet. 
Click on the link 26 letters to watch and listen to the video.

fredag 10 januari 2020

Two minutes English

Listen and watch videos to learn English!

Click on the video Two minutes English.

Listen and practice!

torsdag 9 januari 2020

English conversation practice

Listen on videos to English conversation practice!

1. Make sentences in English "I Am... I Like... I Will... The..."
 Click on the video grammar and vocabulary

2. Listen and watch a video to learn English. Click on the video everyday English and learn.

3. Introduce  yourself - Click on the video I am... 

and the film Introducing yourself.

Short English conversations for beginners — Listening conversation

1. Videos to learn to introduce yourself.

Click on the link I am and listen!

2.Videos to learn to give your name, address and telephone number. Click on the video what's your name and listen.

3.Watch more English videos to learn English conversation. Click on the link 100 videos and listen to conversation and grammar.

onsdag 8 januari 2020

The clock

Lär dig klockan på engelska!

Titta på filmer för att lära dig klockan på engelska.

1. Klicka på filmen Telling the time in English.

2. Klicka på filmen The clock in English.

3. Klicka på filmen How to say the time in English.