torsdag 26 mars 2020

My home - describe your home - words

Watch a video about describing your home!
1. Click on the video: describe your home

                                        MY HOUSE

My name is Luke. My family and I live in a very big house near London. There are seven rooms in it. 
    Upstairs, there are two bedrooms and a bathroom. My bedroom is quite big and there are many posters on the walls and a computer on the desk. Downstairs, there is a big kitchen, a spacious living room, a study, a playroom. There are many toys in my sister's playroom: dolls, a rocking horse and a teddy bear. My favourite room is the study because there is a big bookcase with many interesting books.
     Outside our house, there is a garage for my parents' car and a huge garden with lots of trees and flowers. It's beautiful in the spring and summer. I love my house because it makes me feel safe and relaxed. I think there is no place like home!

Read the text and answer the questions.
1) How many rooms are there in the house?
2) Where is the house situated?
3) How many rooms are downstairs and upstairs?
4) What kind of toys does Luke's sister have?
5) Which room is Luke's favourite one and why?
6) Is there any space for the car?
7) When is the garden beautiful?
8) Why does he love his house?

List the words from the text.
rooms inside 
places outside 

Translate the following words into Swedish:
near -
upstairs -
downstairs -
posters -
walls -
a computer -
toys -
dolls -
a rocking horse -
a teddy bear -
a bookcase -
interesting -
spring -
summer -
makes me feel -
safe -
relaxed -

place -

Introducing yourself in English

1. In this lesson we tell you how to introduce yourself and respond to basic questions.

Watch the video by click on: Introducing yourself

2. Watch and listen to English conversation!

Click on the links friends and family and learn how to talk about your family and friends.

onsdag 25 mars 2020

Be or have

                             The verb BE

1. Click on the link to watch the video: to be
2. Click on the link to watch the video: negative form
3. Click on the link to watch the video: making questions

                             The verb HAVE

1. Click on the link to watch the video: to have or to have
2. Click on the link to watch the video: negative form don't have / doesn't has
3. Click on the link to watch the video:making questions

Listen and answer questions

Listen to English and answer some questions. 
Clisk on the link to listen: Listen to English

Present Simple exercise - English grammar exercise

Here are some links to do some Present Simple exercises!

Click on the links ans start to practise!

1, Click on the link to practice: Present simple verb forms

2. Click on the link to practice: Present simple vers Present continuous

3. A webpage to practice verbs in Present simple!
Click on the link: Present simple worksheets

4. A video to watch and practice verbs!
Click on the video: Present Simple

onsdag 4 mars 2020

What is your job? What do you do? Asking about occupations

Watch videos about have to ask questions about your job and occupations!
Click on the viedo links:

1.Talking about your job

2. jobs and occupations

3. more jobs and occupations

4. What do you do?

5. Asking about job

Practice your English online

Practice your English online!
Click on the link and start to practice: Exercises in English

Phonic practise

Listen to some phonic practise.
Click on the video phonics

Listen and do some phonic practise. 
Click on the video or our ore oar.

Listen and do some phonic practise. 
Click on the video oy ow th ph.

Prepositions of time and place

prepositions of time

prepositions of place
This, That, These, Those

At the shop

at the shop

trying on clothes

clothes shopping


A day and daily words

in the morning

Question words

question words

Why, Who, How

måndag 2 mars 2020

Verb - Simple present

Verb - Simple present 

1. Read about how to write verbs in simple present!

Click on the link present and read!

2. Listen and watch a video in English about forming the present verb in English. Click on the link form the present verb and learn!

3. Listen and watch a video in English and do verb exercise! 

Click on the link present simple to start the exercise!